Beam On Blog
Learn more about our community, our programs, and fun ways to get involved with our work at Beam Center.
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Youth to the rescue.
The seeds of everything Beam Center embodies in 2024 were planted in a New Hampshire forest; from the way we collaborate with public schools and teachers to create hands-on classroom projects citywide, to our Apprenticeship Program that prepares teenagers’ to make informed choices about meaningful labor and continual learning throughout their lives.
The three hundred foot tree*.
As we begin the 21st summer of Beam Camp camper enrollment and big project selection, it is impossible for me not to reflect on the central role that intentional and unintentional challenges play in Beam Center’s approach to cultivating environments for educational and developmental growth.
The “I made this” face.
Taking pride in work does not generally come naturally to the adolescent; especially when that work originates in their own imagination or idea.
One of our key metrics of success in progress, therefore, is the “I made this face.”
Spring 2024 School Projects
Through our partnership with DOE, we collaborate with thousands of students at their schools to build hands-on projects based on what they are learning in class. This year we are collaborating with 30+ schools, and our Project Designers have fabricated many amazing projects — here are just a few examples.
This month’s installment of our community spotlight features one of our current interns at Beam Center, Anelise. She attended Beam Camp for four years and has been interning with us for the last two years, where she helps around the center and is also working on an independent project.
Shaping Futures
Through our partnership with DYCD, Beam Center provides youth a chance to explore their career interests through making connections, building relationships and designing hands-on projects. Read below to find out what youth created in their career exploration journey.
Rose Malenfant
This month’s installment of our Staff Spotlight series features our Project Designer, Rose Malenfant. As a Project Designer, Rose collaborates with youth and educators to create hands-on projects tied in with the content students are learning in their classroom.
Shervone Neckles
This month’s installment of our Community Spotlight features American-born, Afro-Grenadian interdisciplinary artist, educator, and the designer of our 2020 Beam NYC Project, Shervone Neckles. As an artist, Shervone makes embellished textiles, prints, sculptures, installations, and public art in which she intricately melds Afro-Caribbean heritage into her diverse creations — capturing history across America.
Sanaly Santiago-Vaughn
This month’s installment of our Staff Spotlight series features the Director of Youth Employment, Sanaly Santiago. As the Director of Youth Employment, Sanaly is responsible for recruitment, enrollment, and onboarding of participants of SYEP and Work, Learn and Grow program.
DML Apprenticeship Summer 2023
Our Apprentices first completed 3 of their programs introductory projects: Pocket Plants, LED Flowers, and Tote Bags & Candles; and are now working on their final project, Lamps.
Read below to learn more about their projects!
Carlos Baez
This month’s installment of our Community Spotlight series features a long-time Beam Camper, Carlos Baez. Carlos went to Beam Camp in New Hampshire at the age of 13 and continued going for the next 5 years, he then transitioned from the role of camper to camp staff/counselor.
Beam Camp City Wide
As we are getting ready to kick off the summer of 2023, we’d like to share some of the exciting things that have been happening in our Beam Camp City Wide programming! Beam Camp City Wide is Beam Center’s summer initiative in which Beam will encompass several areas in New York City!
Serena Seshadri
This month’s installment of our Staff Spotlight series features our Project Designer, Serena Seshadri. In this role, Serena collaborates with other project designers and artists to design projects and teach them at schools.
Sylvie Freedman
This month’s installment of our Community Spotlight series features a long time Beam Camper and counselor, Sylvie Freedman. Sylvie is a lifelong Brooklyn resident and artist.
Event Recap: Beam Benefit Brunch
We're grateful to all who attended and supported our second annual spring Beam Benefit Brunch! We’re especially delighted that you joined us to celebrate the people who INSPIRE us: our honoree Fabian Jabro, Beam youth (program participants), staff and collaborating educators and artists.